Who buys coins?
I'm curious about who purchases coins, whether it's individuals for personal use or businesses for specific purposes. Are they bought by collectors, investors, or maybe even as gifts? Who are the typical buyers of coins?

Who buy the first Bitcoin?
I want to know who purchased the very first Bitcoin. Who was the individual or entity that made the inaugural transaction in the history of Bitcoin?

Who buys old HiFi systems?
I'm wondering who are the people that purchase old HiFi systems. Are they audiophiles looking for a unique sound, or collectors interested in vintage equipment, or maybe just someone looking for a budget-friendly option?

Who buys euro coins?
I'm curious about the purchase of euro coins. Who are the typical buyers of these coins? Are they mostly individuals, businesses, or maybe even governments? I'd like to understand the general profile of those who purchase euro coins.

Who buys old hi-fi systems?
I'm curious about the market for old hi-fi systems. Specifically, I want to know who are the people that purchase these vintage audio devices. Are they audio enthusiasts, collectors, or simply individuals looking for a unique listening experience?